Robert used wording based on 14th c. indenture contracts, and I used the format from the same time period. The word "Chirographum" is written in the middle, and the contract words are written on either side. I used multiple abbreviations to shorten the text so it would fit.
The contract is signed by witnesses, sealed by the participating parties, and then cut in half in a rather messy way so that the two pieces can be joined again. This prevents forgeries because it would be difficult to reproduce the correct line-up both in terms of parchment texture and all the pretty little lines in the words.
There were some near-heart attacks when Elska cut the calligraphy in half. She said that first snip nearly did her in. For me, Best Day Ever!
I also made a quick & dirty little seal for Elska, but forgot the corn starch, so the plastic stuck to the wax something terrible. They will have to re-do that seal eventually.

Many thanks to Susanne Jensen for the photographs!
Huge thank you to The Pensive Pen for all of their incredibly helpful information.
Abbreviations from
þ = 'th' sound not in 'the'
yͤ = the
o' = of
fs = ss
7 = and
p = ar/er and the line is on the descender not in the middle. So "others" becomes 'oths' with a long descender on the h to indicate missing 'ar/er' sounds.
~ = missing letters that one can fill in by context.
C descender = 'es' for the plural on the end of a word, this was exceptionally fun.
t' = to
Sheep parchment, split.
Oak gall ink by Master Robert
Speedball red & blue (this HATED the quills)
goose quills cut by me.
Lining quill was a chicken feather because the kid insisted.
Ruler, pencil
Sealing wax, seals, fire.
This is the abbreviated form, though it's missing some because my modern computer didn't really have the equivalent of some of these options.
By þis indenture does Robert o’ Ferness place himself wiþ Mistress Elska á Fjárfelli as apprentice, 7 yͤ aforesaid Elska accepts yͤ aforesaid Robert as apprentice, for learning o’ useful crafts 7 arts 7 sciencC 7 o’ writing about þem, 7 o’ teaching þem to oths, within yͤ Dominion 7 beyond.
Likewise Elska promisC t’ instruct, or cause t’ be instructed by others, in yͤ knowledge o’ crafts 7 arts 7 sciencC, 7 writing 7 teaching o’ þem, by yͤ best 7 most excellent means þat she knows or can devise. 7 for her part, yͤ said Elska shall allow yͤ said Robert t’ peacefully play at lawful games o’ diverse sorts, 7 on occasion don armor or bow t’ defend yͤ Dominion against any 7 all who would seek t’ cause it harm.
Huge thank you to The Pensive Pen for all of their incredibly helpful information.
Abbreviations from
þ = 'th' sound not in 'the'
yͤ = the
o' = of
fs = ss
7 = and
~ = missing letters that one can fill in by context.
C descender = 'es' for the plural on the end of a word, this was exceptionally fun.
t' = to
Sheep parchment, split.
Oak gall ink by Master Robert
Speedball red & blue (this HATED the quills)
goose quills cut by me.
Lining quill was a chicken feather because the kid insisted.
Ruler, pencil
Sealing wax, seals, fire.
This is the abbreviated form, though it's missing some because my modern computer didn't really have the equivalent of some of these options.
Þ, þ yͤ
es = descender C off the letter before, es is omitted
es = descender C off the letter before, es is omitted
By þis indenture does Robert o’ Ferness place himself wiþ Mistress Elska á Fjárfelli as apprentice, 7 yͤ aforesaid Elska accepts yͤ aforesaid Robert as apprentice, for learning o’ useful crafts 7 arts 7 sciencC 7 o’ writing about þem, 7 o’ teaching þem to oths, within yͤ Dominion 7 beyond.
T’is agreed þat Robert promisC t’ be faithful t’ Elska in
all things, not t’ rob her, or take anything aw’y from her, 7 not t’ leave her
for a great or less wage for any reason whatsoev, t’ reimburse
her for all expensC
she incurs on his behalf, t’ tell her yͤ truth, t’ keep her secrets, 7 listen
t’ her council in all manner o’ lawful þings. Furth, yͤ said Robert will
aid 7 abet yͤ said Elska in her own research as an apprentice ought, such as in
yͤ fetching o’ books 7 yͤ brewing o’ drink.
Likewise Elska promisC t’ instruct, or cause t’ be instructed by others, in yͤ knowledge o’ crafts 7 arts 7 sciencC, 7 writing 7 teaching o’ þem, by yͤ best 7 most excellent means þat she knows or can devise. 7 for her part, yͤ said Elska shall allow yͤ said Robert t’ peacefully play at lawful games o’ diverse sorts, 7 on occasion don armor or bow t’ defend yͤ Dominion against any 7 all who would seek t’ cause it harm.
Þis agreement shall last for one year, 7 renew
annually unless eith party shall end it with notice, or it should come
t’ pass þat yͤ said Robert achievC recognized mastery o’ a craft or o’ an art or o’ a science.
Done Nov X, A.S. LIII, at yͤ Fall Æcademy in yͤ
Dominion o’ Myrkfaelinn.
In witness whereo’ yͤ aforesaid partiC pledge to þese indenturC interchangeably have put þeir
seals, 7 attested by yͤ signed partiC.
This is beautifully brilliant. Thank you so much for sharing!