Saturday, October 27, 2018

Parchment Workshop

The workshop went very well.  I lost most would-be participants to the fall cold that swept through and people are still coughing from, but I had 3 enthusiastic students, and we had a great day. 
My time estimate was excellent except for defrosting the hides.  I had to resort to hot water so we had something to work on.

Photos by Hrólfr Á Fjárfelli‎ and Simon, who were also participating.

Peggy fleshing the hide.
Then they dehaired, 2nd fleshed, stretched (using both pebbles and continuous lacing)

wet scraped both sides with a round knife, sanded with a cuttle bone (pumice, parchmenter's bread, and shaving with a round knife are also options).
Cut a finished piece of parchment off of the frame (this was before the wet one went up), and then cut it to shape for best use of material.  Peggy & Simon each took home an 8x10 piece of parchment, Hrolfr says he'd like to make his own.  Peggy is reserving smaller deer hides should they become available (big bucks make great rawhide, but not great parchment, stick with younger animals).
Overall it was a great day.  We started around 10:00 a.m. and ended about 5:30 with reasonable breaks. 

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