Pole distaff.
I don't use this one much anymore, I've switched to the tiki-torch version as it holds the fiber better. It is incredibly easy to make. Get a dowel and one of those little decorative toy finials from the hardware store, drill a hole in the dowel, glue the finial in and tie a ribbon around the end. Then you can dress the distaff, etc. If I were to do this type again, I'd add a toy wheel down the shaft to help hold the fiber.
For the tiki torch cage distaff (thank Lois Swales, go check out her You Tube channel Missing Spindle), get a package of tiki torches, remove the canister, soak the end in a bucket, bend it out around a ring (usually comes on the torch itself), secure it, and then bend the ends in, and secure those. Methods of securing will vary, I used floral wire and cotton string. Neither of these are historically accurate, but they are fast and they work. My next distaff will be proper and have a stand.
On a side note, I have seen mentions of angora rabbits being in England in the 1500's, but no solid references regarding this. I would love to know if they are SCA period - I vaguely recall a night of insomnia reading about QEI and banning the export of the live rabbits, which would rock my fuzzy fingerless gloves off, but I have not been able to find it again. The most solid reference in Europe is from the mid-1700's in France.