I adore these pins. I will not be making a Danelaw persona to wear them myself (famous last words), but I will drop them on Viking era friends like dragon's teeth. I have not located the source that is referred to in MacGregor's analysis of the body from the migration period, but I will continue to look for it. In the interest of getting the paper up while the items are still fresh in people's minds, enjoy the pdf!
The cat pins are going to a friend as soon as we can meet up at an event. I'm not sure what the next pair will be, but I have the blanks all ready. Unfortunately, I am out of pig fibula at this point and did not save any from the last pig we butchered. My friendly local butcher shop may be amused by my request.
A side note on display:
One of my goals for this year is "better display" and in the interests of that, I wove some fabric swatches from my hand spun, natural dyed yarn. Most of it was just using up odds & ends, but I did try to work in some good basic historic twill/tabby patterns. My weaving is beginner level horrible, right where it should be. In order to display the pins and needles to advantage, I put them on these swatches, imperfect edges and all.
I'm not being arrogant when I say I'm really good at some things. I'm not being humble when I say I'm really bad at other things. Most skills just take a lot of practice, and dedication, and effort, and study... well, you get it. I'm not afraid to be a beginner at weaving. I have to start somewhere... that doesn't mean I'm not going to complain about my salvages or how tedious it is to 'finish' the warp yarn, or how bad I am at it.
BONUS! bone needle at work!