Sunday, August 23, 2015

The things you need for an SCA event

Yesterday got me thinking that while John & I have been in reenacting for decades, and the SCA for quite a few years, we still don't have our stuff together.  We forgot chairs yesterday.  So here is a short list of what you actually need to participate in an SCA day event with a feast.

That's your period appropriate attempt for clothing.  If it is your first or second event, ask the local Chatelaine for some loaner garb from Gold Key.  Don't count on the use of that forever, but it will buy you some time and let you figure out if you like the hobby & want to invest in your own outfit.

Usually there is an entry fee, and sometimes vendors, raffles, charities, etc.  Figure on $30 minimum.  Long camping events like Pennsic and Gulf Wars are obviously much more.

When the event ends the staff wants you out.  Don't dally unless you are helping clean up.

Feast gear
Knife, spoon, bowl, plate, cup (fork is optional, and not period correct).

A chair or something to sit on. 
Most people use those modern nylon folding camp chairs, but you have a range of things available to you, you aren't stuck with that.  Some sites have seating, but don't count on it.  We always forget this and end up on the bare floor or the ground, which can make you really tired very quickly.  A sheep skin or blanket is also good as it gives just enough cushion to not aggravate healthy joints.

Armor or Art/Craft project
While not strictly necessary, a large part of the SCA involves doing stuff so make sure you've brought Stuff To Do.  If you are going to fight, bring armor & weapons; if you are going to work on a project, bring the tools & materials. 

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