1321 English "Book of Laws of the Ancient Kings" and the Sinking
of the White Ship (1120 C.E.). I cannot imagine losing so many beloved
children in one fell swoop like this, and by all accounts Henry I did love
them. His grief must have been terrible. It certainly caused some
chaos in the English monarchy. Eventually his last surviving daughter
Matilda (there were 2) came out on top, but it was on top of a pile of bodies.
For something so sad, I do adore this L-border and keep coming back to it.

The Combat Croquet scroll (never got handed out as we got rained out)
evokes the Alice in Wonderland croquet mauls with the little bird figure and
all the various balls scattered around. They promise me they will
actually finish the game someday. After the event I added leaves around
the croquet balls to cover that red smear.

The holiday card was fun. I pulled the snowball fight from a
mural somewhere (sorry, I can't remember), and that lovely little figure pays
homage to Elf on a Shelf now. It's amazingly versatile. I
meant to put more snowballs in the air, but got distracted by a little person
and then it had to go to the printer.
The next time I revisit it, I may turn it into a harp.
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